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Video Vibes: Lollapalooza Edition Part Two

Here’s another video playlist highlighting a few of my faves that are performing during days three and four of this year’s fest.

First, here’s a quick breakdown of who’s slated to play on Saturday and Sunday, and you can also peep the full schedule in detail here.

By the time I reach Sunday, I’m hoping my ears aren’t ringing and that my legs can still function. I feel like I’ll probably take it pretty easy the last day or so – considering all the after shows I’ll probably check out. Also, I think Sunday could be an opportunity to discover new artists at a slow pace and then end it all with a bang. 

My bones ache just thinking about it, but I am (literally) counting the days until Lolla weekend! Here’s a few acts I gotta see, along with a few I’m anxious to learn a bit more about – enjoy!

With that being said: did I leave anyone out? Is there anyone who should I be listening to that I will regret missing at the fest this year? PLEASE double check the lineup and let me know! 

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Video Vibes Lollapalooza Part One