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Video Vibes: Lollapalooza Edition Part One

Here’s a little playlist highlighting a few of my faves that are performing during days one and two of this year’s fest!

First, here’s a quick breakdown of who’s slated to play on Thursday and Friday, and you can also peep the full schedule in detail here.

So of course I’m going try to listen to as many new musicians as possible, but the artists I’m most looking forward to dancing to on Thursday and Friday are summed up in this playlist.  

I don’t even know how I will function during Friday’s ridiculous sets – which just also happens to also be my birthday. AND my favorite band is playing – can it get any better? 

With that being said: did I leave anyone out? Is there anyone who should I be listening to that I will regret missing at the fest this year? PLEASE double check the lineup and let me know! 

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Video Vibes Lollapalooza Part Two