The previously Spotify-Exclusive music video for Majid Jordan’s latest single “All Over You” is now available on YouTube for you viewing pleasure. If you like black-lit jellyfish, trippy animation, and a gyrating Majid Al Maskati crooning in the rain – then this is your video.
The Space Between – Released October 27, 2017 by Majid Jordan
The Space Between is a 47-minute continuous mix from OVO’s progressive-R&Bduo Majid Jordan, which depicts both a personal evolution of self and also a journey into theunknown, whether that be in or out of a relationship. Meant to be enjoyed in full without skipping any tracks, the follow-up to2016’s self-titled LP Majid Jordan is highly reminiscent of their earlier Soundcloudsongs and mixes (which were previously released under the moniker “GoodPeople”). On this new record, Jordan Ullman experiments with new sounds and Majid Al Maskati becomes one with his emotions, and the risks on the album’s production are ahuge step towards the future of R&B.
OVO’s Majid Jordan have announced a release date for their upcoming sophomore record The Space Between, and shared a new track featuring fellow label-mate dvsn.