During my post-show Yelle YouTube binge, I managed to stumble across music videos for so many of the songs I loved hearing at the concert. For some reason this one really stood out.
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During my post-show Yelle YouTube binge, I managed to stumble across music videos for so many of the songs I loved hearing at the concert. For some reason this one really stood out.
Leave a CommentTwo weeks ago, I was front and (kinda) center witnessing INTERNATIONAL French superstar Yelle at Chicago’s Empty Bottle. To be quite honest, I hadn’t even actively listened to her tunes in several years but was invited by a friend and of course, I obliged. LET ME TELL YOU: Looking back, if I had not gone to this show I would have regretted that decision for possibly the rest of my life (okay well, for the next few years at least).
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