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Tag: emotional oranges

Upcoming Shows 2023

Happy March! My 2023 concert calendar is looking very promising at the moment, with tons of incredible acts announcing tour dates left and right. This even includes artists that made my Best of 2022 year-end album wrap up – how exciting! Now that I’ve resolved some ongoing health concerns (I’m okay!), what better way to get active again than to attend some shows around town. I may have to limit my dancing, unfortunately, but these few artists will have my adrenaline going whether I can shimmy or not! 

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Best of 2022 – Albums On Constant Repeat

BEST OF 2022 – ALBUMS: I listened to literally so much music this year, which is a huge part of why I’ve been too overwhelmed to really put out content. BUT – I’m regaining focus, and think it’s better late than never to go back and call attention to some of the albums that defined my year. We’ve got an anthology with unreleased song demos, a few solo debuts, four artists I’ve seen perform live, and even a release I stumbled upon just by clicking on its eye-catching album artwork. I feel like if you know me, this list makes perfect sense and is absolutely not-surprising lol. But hopefully for new viewers, this provides a glimpse into my personal taste!

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Best Albums of 2019

These are the albums I listened to the most in 2019, in no particular order. These records made the list for a few reasons: production, lyrics, concept, longevity, creativity, and more. These are the ones that simply don’t get old, and I am happy to take them with me into the new year. With that said, there is still a best album of the year –  so read on to find out who took the top spot! 

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