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Post-show: Yelle

Two weeks ago, I was front and (kinda) center witnessing INTERNATIONAL French superstar Yelle at Chicago’s Empty Bottle. To be quite honest, I hadn’t even actively listened to her tunes in several years but was invited by a friend and of course, I obliged. LET ME TELL YOU: Looking back, if I had not gone to this show I would have regretted that decision for possibly the rest of my life (okay well, for the next few years at least).

Super intimate dive joint? Check. Awesome opening acts to set the vibe? Check. Chill atmosphere and actual fans of the artist? Check and check. I love going to shows here for this very reason and enjoyed the scene just like any other time.

So naturally, the show was absolutely incredible and Yelle’s energy was met by that of the crowd. It was a very interactive set, with us being encouraged to dance, clap, and do pretty much anything as long as our bodies were in motion. A fast-paced mix of old and new songs, faves during the set for me included “Complètement fou“, “Bouquet Final”, and “Interpassion”– during which she invited a fan onstage to “re-create” the bass line into the mic.

After the set, these wonderful humans stayed until after 1am to say hello to EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that bar. Yelle genuinely wanted to hear what every one had to say about the show, and she gladly signed posters and took photos with anyone who asked. Humble, sweet, charming, and TALENTED.

After the show – just gettin’ some merch, you know…

What a fun, memorable night it was (I even ran into my friends), and I can say I haven’t stopped listening to Yelle’s music since that night – basically revisiting her entire music catalog on the daily. Check out my little recap of videos from the set, and you can see all the pics from that night (including more with Yelle and my friends after the set) on my photo gallery on Facebook.