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Post-show: Rufus Du Sol


After dropping off our things and getting rid of the car – my friend and I grabbed the coolest Uber ever and literally started making our way downtown. Our driver was a super cool, hippie musician who shared stories of mingling with the likes of Prince and George Clinton back in his day.

Cute ride, but at the same time my girl and I are like: dude we got somewhere to be – FOCUS!

We rolled up at a hard 2:00 am wondering like WHAT ARE WE DOING? Have they  already played?? When does Concord even close?! Mind you doors opened at 12…

(Yup, I know there’s a duplicate clip in the video, oops!)

We were actually right on time with, Roland Tings already setting up a chill vibe yet again. We even had time to grab drinks and shimmy right up front and center. ‘Twas no easy task, let me tell ya, because it was PACKED and HOTTTT. I then realized why they had to upgrade to a larger venue for the full show.

The guys finally came out and really let loose, showing us their knowledge of house music and really feeding off of the Chicago energy. They played us some exclusive edits and never stopped showing us that were really happy to spend their time with us.  After about another almost 2 hours of dancing and laughing, it was time to call it a night.

Plus, tacos were becoming more and more of a necessity. 

I’ll leave you with this remix that they played, which I found after listening to about 5 different versions until it hit me. It creates such a vivid memory in my mind of a moment from that night and takes me back to possibly the best night of 2016.


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