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Post-show: Mura Masa – Red Bull Sound Select

The first of my 2 Red Bull Sound Select shows last week, I took myself out on a much-needed date and went to check out someone I’d been DYING to see: Mura Masa! I missed him during Lollapalooza this year, so I’m glad I got a second chance to experience his show at Concord Music Hall (even if it meant squeezing three concerts into three days *shrug*). At $15, this was seriously a bargain and easily one of the best shows I have seen this year.  

I was off to a late start for the show, but arrived at Concord just in time to creep up front for Tennyson. Let me tell you: I am SO GLAD I caught their set. It opened with an instrumental that sounded like an original score for a throwback Disney movie – it was magical! The lighting put me into a dream-like state and this duo has literally created a genre that did not exist yet. I look forward to seeing them again – hopefully sooner than later.

So inevitably, I slithered my solo way to about the 2nd row – and pretty much encountered the best show of the year. I definitely had an idea of what to expect from a performance aspect, with Mura Masa being a producer and multi-instrumentalist, but I don’t know who told vocalist/dancer/superhuman Fliss she could come out with enough energy to just snatch my edges by the end of her first appearance. I was familiar with the vocalists featured on Mura Masa’s albums, but something about singer Fliss on stage for the live shows brought a completely different vibe than what I was expecting. Let me tell you, her dancing was sooooooo on point and her passion was really something to see.

I also danced all night (bum knee and all) and managed to even make a few new friends. Drinks in Capri-Sun-like pouches and containers of slime on the way out – Red Bull Sound Select did it again and brought the fun to Chicago. I know I’ve said it before, but this was one of my favorite nights of the year and I’ll never miss a Mura Masa show again. Check out some highlights below and let me know what you think.

See even more Red Bull Sound Select shows on my videos page here!