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Post-show: Alex Zelenka DJ Set

The shortest video summary on earth:

Considering I was just going to take my ass home after work, this turned into a great evening with one of my closest friends. Let’s not even slip past the fact that Alex actually called me out before the set – and thanked me for stopping through! It’s really neat for artists to show love for those who come out to support their work – and he was even kind enough to bring me a sick t-shirt and CD (for us grannies who prefer that over digital).

Wardrobe level: SYNCHED UP
Wardrobe level: SYNCHED UP

Overall it was a really wonderful evening, with the most beautiful views in Chicago accompanied by some amazing musicians. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad time when I go there – so here’s to many more!

I’ll leave you with some new music he literally just dropped – go listen and buy! 




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