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Now Playing: New Sleigh Bells Track


Roughly a month ahead of their third full-length album Jessica Rabbit, Sleigh Bells continue to share some pretty good videos and tracks for us to jam to in the meantime. At the DJ set here, I swear I heard them teasing some new instrumentals – and I liked what I heard a lot. 

While I haven’t been too, too crazy about the recent releases so far, I could definitely tell that the direction of the new material was leaning more towards a combo of their previous albums Treats and Reign Of Terror – both of which I loved and played basically to death. I like the distortion of the EP and first LP, but appreciate the progression and refinement of their sound in Reign of Terror.

What I missed from their last album was that nostalgic, pep rally, anthemic effect that most of their songs produce. The stomps and hand-claps echoing off of a high school gym floor – like in their song “Crush”. Makes me want to doodle on my Trapper Keeper.

This was such an underrated track tho!

Although I had every intention of purchasing the new album anyway, their latest release “I Can Only Stare” just put the nail in the coffin for me.

I immediately got a late 80’s vibe from the track – only to read that it was loosely influenced by …. The Smiths! I absolutely love Alexis’ vocals, and the contrast between her strong verses and baby-soft falsetto couldn’t be any more fulfilling. Not to mention that deep synth running through the length of the the track.

I can’t get enough and you won’t either. Listen to the brand new track “I Can Only Stare” here!