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Music Overload 12/12

The 2017 Grammy nominations are finally out, artists are releasing music according to the moon cycles, and tour dates are popping up faster than I can count the last few days of the year. Between that and some really good new music videos this week – 2016 is the year that just won’t end.


So I seriously just watched the most interesting, trippy, and creative music video this week.

“Move Together” from Somewhere Else (with support from my boys Majid Jordan) is a really chill track that I randomly heard in passing almost 6 months ago on Soundcloud, and I’ve just been blindly listening not knowing for sure who Somewhere Else really is.   

I still don’t really know for sure but this video makes me want to learn more. It is mildly NSFW so just chill out and watch it when you’ve got a few minutes.

What I can say is it has some of the craziest digital imagery, and everything was just happening so quickly. Just as quickly as the music was changing, or before I could focus on an object, it was already morphing into something else/ someone else / SOMEWHERE ELSE?

Hats off to the artists and creative team that worked on this visual. 




After keeping very, very mum about anything surrounding follow up to 2015’s Kill The One You Love, Cliff and Lindsay of the icy, synth duo GEMS only just now legitimately hinted at new material this past week – and I am READY. 

After hearing a lot of new dreamy snips on their social media, I knew something was surely coming together but wasn’t anticipating any new tunes this year. But what really got me was this notion of possibly releasing music according to the full moon – I needed to know more.

Well I didn’t have to wait long  at all and our suspicions were confirmed!

The first track to be released is called “Blow Out The Light”, and suddenly I am into moons, stargazing, tides – ALL OF IT.  And I wasn’t even tired of listening to their older music so I’m grateful to be getting anything new at all. This is GREAT.

This song is right on time, and the current weather situation goes perfectly with their chilly vibes. Perfect contrast between their two voices, and I loved every second of it. The change up at 2:20 was incredible and I love when the guitar comes in. It brings in that beach-y, relaxing, light-headed atmosphere that makes their music so calming to me. 

I can’t say enough good things about how promising this little taste is <3 Listen to the 1st of many new tracks to come from GEMS – “Blow Out The Light” 


Six months ago, Clifford and I ended our nine year relationship.  We are still recovering, trying to heal, and sorting through the wreckage of what was. From the start we connected through the language of music.  Now we’ve decided to continue making this music together, because it feels like a force that is greater than either of us. We’ll be releasing a new song each month on the date of the full moon.  We’re hoping these songs can serve as a vehicle to transform the pain and work through things that otherwise seem totally overwhelming.

– Lindsay  <3



Did not see this one coming at all!

Just managed to catch these two after last summer’s NCMF show at a late-night DJ set, but that was only a few months ago and was left feeling sad assuming that they’d not be back any time soon to support their new album (yet to be titled at that point).

Well here we are about a month after Jessica Rabbit was released – and I am gonna get to jam out to this amazing record in just 3 months! Along with some oldies of course, this is going to be just the burst of energy I’ll need to get me out of the post-Chicago-winter funk that I can safely say I’ll be in.

The show is gonna be on March 21, 2017 at the Metro (so much bass), and it’s only $25! Tickets are on sale this Friday so make sure you get yours!

Let me leave you with one of my fave tracks from the new record called “I Just Can’t Stand You Anymore” 😉 



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