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Month: December 2020

Rewind: Best Albums of 2020!

Happy (almost) New Year! I know I have been gone for like months, but I wanted to return on a good note and share some of the music and artists that have been getting me through this whole pandemic situation. I know, who thought I’d be using the word pandemic in an intro – but here we are. Anyway, there were a lot of changes in the world and in my life, and that also includes changes to my taste in music and exactly how I absorb content. I found myself not wanting to really relate to anything at the start of this, and as I turned to a lot of new music in foreign languages, it kind of took me back to a purely sonic approach to determining what sounds actually caught my attention (detached from the lyrics themselves). So, you may see some things here that are new, surprising, or even shocking – but isn’t that what 2020 was all about? These few selections are based purely on my perceptions and are in no particular order. Let’s get into it!

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