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Month: September 2016

Now Playing: 99.9%

99.9% released May 6, 2016
99.9% – Released May 6, 2016 by Kaytranada

If you haven’t already heard: Kaytranada is the the Haitian-born, electronic DJ and producer – yet another young Canadian act blowing up the music scene. After receiving tons of positive response from his Soundcloud following, Kay released his debut 99.9% this year – and then just dropped the most creatively-titled accompanying mixtape earlier this week: 0.001%.

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It Was(n’t) Love

It’s here. It’s real. It exists. The 1st music video for Lady Gaga’s upcoming October release Joanne was released approximately 48 hours ago. And two days is typically about how long it takes me to fully analyze, appreciate, and immerse myself into her work. Naturally, I dove right in – and I haven’t looked back.

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